Vivaldi Concerto for Violin in D minor 'Per Pisendel' RV 242

Vivaldi Concerto for Violin in D minor 'Per Pisendel' RV 242...
[image above left]  German virtuoso violinist Johann Georg Pisendel is the person referenced in the designation of this Concerto. He studied with Vivaldi in Venice in 1716, and it was for him that the composer wrote this work. In fact, Vivaldi dedicated six violin concertos in all to Pisendel. This D minor effort was composed in 1712 and first performed in that year then published in 1725, and is part of the Op. 8 set that includes the famous Four Seasons... The collection called Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione. 

 VIDEO: Vivaldi Concerto for Violin in D minor 'Per Pisendel' RV 242

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